Caroline and I spent 10 days in Tulsa over Thanksgiving. We stayed with Josh and Andrea for the first several days while Tim and Sandy spoke at a church in Sweden. Then we spent the next few days taking care of John and Tamara's dogs while they (and their 4 kids) went to Hawaii. Reagan met us in Tulsa Tuesday night. We had a great time hanging out with family and friends. Surprising we didn't take many pictures while there. Below are some. They got out of order and I'm to tired to reorganize them!
Thanksgiving Day: Aunt Sandy with Caroline
"Eating" thanksgiving dinner. She LOVED the Better Than Sex dessert Sarah made.
Kelly giving her son "Baby David" kisses (I think this is such a sweet picture)
Matthew and David
Playing Rock Band after dinner
At Tim and Sandy's with Josh and Andrea. C loves spending time with her cousins.
Tamara and Lucy, Sarah and her girls, Andrea, C and I made cookies and bows one night. This is Katie practicing with her Color Guard rifle in the backyard before we starting baking.
Katie practicing while Andrea and Val pull C onto the trampoline.
Andrea, Caroline and Valiree
Andrea and C
Val and Lucy getting creative with their cookies
Sarah, C and Katie baking
Sarah helping C "make" a cookie
Dixie and her daughter Bryn stopped by for a play-date. I love these girls!
The girls snacking after feeding the geese
Beautiful Bryn
Andrea teaching C to throw leaves
Tim (my bro) and C
Daddy came to town!! We missed him so much. Thank God for Facetime on the iPhone. We were able to see and talk to him almost every night.
Reagan and I took pictures of Rick and Sarah's family for their Christmas cards. We took these in downtown Tulsa.
I love this picture of Rick and Sarah. Gorgeous people from the inside out!
Ben posing!
Little Chris is so photogenic
The six of them:
Katie, Ben, Chris, Val, Sarah and Rick
Our last night in town we took C to see Rhema Lights with Katie. If your ever in Tulsa between Thanksgiving and Christmas you have to stop by Rhema Bible College to see their campus at night. The entire campus is covered in Christmas lights (over 2 million lights!). It's beautiful!
Katie laughing at something